This section is intended for both site designers and maintainers.

Overview:  The last section of the page has one or more Buttons.  These control what happens with the changes you have made above.
Warning: do not click on the buttons shown below, you will leave this help system.

  • When the Pages button is clicked in the header or after a page is successfully remove only an
    button is present (i.e, there is no active page being edited). 
  • If there is a page already displayed there are three buttons
  • If you wish to use an existing page as a model, select that page (via browse or search as explained above), change the display order values and/or section name and then 'Add' it.  If will be assigned a new Page ID and be re-displayed for further changes.
  • If you want to permanently remove the page you must check the Confirm Delete box at the top of the page and then press the "Delete" button.
May you enjoy peace and growth.
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