Overview: This page lists the changes made recently to the system, most recent first.


Date Function Effected Change
9/11/2018 sf1Cap.pl Replace Mail::Sender with CSZ2::SendMail (requires File::MimeInfo.
Use Try::Tiny vs Eval.
5/21/2018 showPage.plx add support for utf-8 characters. Change characters size of generated Captcha characters.
10/5/2016 managecontent, mangetable Automatically select new version of edit widget if Edge browser selected.
9/30/2016 tahanks.pl, acceptgiftcards Added support for Gift Cards. Requires special configuration and additional tables.
5/5/2016 client1.pl: Packing Slip If a discount is applied, the Cost before Discount, the amount of discount  are displayed
5/5/2016 doscartDisQ.pl Change order of display so Discount Code input box occurs before shipping zone is chosen.  Note: validity of discounts cannot be determined until zone is determined.  Corrections in flow to allow discount codes not to be "lost" when client goes back to cart from buy page. 
5/4/2016 csb5.pl, ppalCatch3.pl, sd.pm supersedes csb4.pl, ppalCatch2.pl: uses cookies to detect returning visitor from PayPal so that Express Checkout is supported. Discounts now correctly applied to Order and Shipping Costs when stored in the database.  Note: Charged sent to PayPal were always correct.
8/24/2015 client1.pl Add Ship All button if there are un-shipped items in order
6/23/2015 csb4.pl, cartsupport2.pm, doscartDisQ.pl Add support for Will Call Shipping. Requires site use shipping tables and have shipping zone ending in -WC.  file clientName.willCall.ph contains location of the will call location which goes into the Shipping Address fields when the buy page is loaded.
6/2/2015 productline templates (via cartsupport2 Numbers can now be tested for greater than and less than as well as equality.  Tested value can be either whole or decimal number.  Non-numeric values will return a false.
7/18/2014 WYSIWYG editor Upgrade TinyMCE editor to current version (3.5.11) and change spell checker to work with the new version.
12/20/2012 search.pm, prodsearchC.pl Multiple field names can be specified and a hit in any of them will result in the product being displayed. |.catprod.| part of the product line template will be used if present matching the behavior of the catprodC.pl.   Much of the loging has been lifted from that program. 
2/24/2012 proddisp, catprodC, catlist2 scContent tag was being ignored under certain conditions.
12/08/2011 showPage Add support for passBack, rtnTarget:Get|Post, and ErrorMessage tags. 
6/30/2010 Template Style Sheets The system will look for a style sheet ending in "_mirror.css" instead of ".css" for the fancy editor.  Function existing from the beginning but was NOT documented.
6/23/2010 content pages Add StaticURL tag to expose the contents of the static URL field. 
5/28/2010 Mange Pages Changing the selected media library no longer forces a page refresh.
5/14/2010 Fancy editor new version installed.  Slightly better behavior when beginning and ending bold/underline
  catalog pages, content pages

Added category field "Menu Add-on" contents will appear after the Category Name in side categories and top2 categories.

 4/7/2010  proddisp.pl shopprod2.pl Category Long Description for primary category now displayed using |.Long Desc.|  (temporarily also as |.CLDESC.|).
4/6/2010 all New Help System Installed and linked.
May you enjoy peace and growth.
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