This background is for site administrators and site designers .

Overview: The catalog system requires certain additional entries be made using the Configure menu item as well as additional page templates (see the next help section).

  • Catalog templates are described here.
  • Category line template are described here
  • Product line templates are described here.
  • Payment Options specify a what kinds of payments can be accepted.  They are defined as a string in the form of Code=Text;Code=Text...  (e.g., Visa=Visa;MC=Master Card;...). The code must match what the site's payment processor expects for real time processing.  PO is reserved for Purchase Order. and PayPal is reserved for Pay Pal (which is NOT recommended).
  • Need CC Aux Field: set to non-zero value if the site requires the visitor to enter the extra 3 or 4 digit code.
  • Thanks Program: the URL (i.e., the full Internet address) of the program to be called after the visitor successfully entered the payment for their purchase.  Default is:|.oid.|&db=|.db.|
  • Catalog Email: the full email address which will be used to send out order acknowledgements.