Examples of Product Templates

Catalog w/o Child Products and w/o Product Display Page and  with buy button for each product, using table rows so one product per "line"


{tr valign='top'}
{form method='post' action='./|.CShopCartProg.|'}
{input type='hidden' name='client' value='YourDatabaseName'}
{input type='hidden' name='Action' value='Add'}  {td rowspan='2'}
{input type='hidden' name='PRID' value='|.PRID.|'
  {td rowspan='2' align='center'}|.PRGRAPHIC.|{/td}
  {td}{b}|.PrName.|{/b} |.PrNumber.|{br /}|.PrSDesc.|{/td}
{tr align=right}
||.ifnot:PrQuant.||  {td}{b}Product out of stock{/b}{/td}||.ENDIF.||
||.if:PrQuant.||  {td}{input type='text' name='|.PRID.|:Quant'} {input type='submit' value='Put in Cart'}{/td}
{tr}{td colspan='2'}|\.PrLDesc.|{/td}

Results in:

Sample Product Image Thumbnail
with link to full size image (if image is present)
Fast Website Development Web-1
Quick web site developed in under a week
Web sites which have a real flair.  Whatever you want.  The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy doggerel. Now is the time for all good me to come to the aid of their country. Web sites which have a real flair.  Whatever you want.  The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy doggerel. Now is the time for all good me to come to the aid of their country.Web sites which have a real flair.  Whatever you want.  The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy doggerel. Now is the time for all good me to come to the aid of their country.

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Catalog with Child Products but w/o Product Display Page. and with buy button for each product, using table rows so one product per "line"  Buy button only in each child section.

{tr valign='top'}
{form method='post' action='./|.CShopCartProg.|'}
{input type='hidden' name='client' value='YourDatabaseName'}
{input type='hidden' name='Action' value='Add'}  {td rowspan='2'}
{input type='hidden' name='PRID' value='|.PRID.|'
  {td rowspan='2' align='center'}|.PRGRAPHIC.|{/td}
  {td}{b}|.PrName.|{/b} |.PrNumber.|{br /}|.PrSDesc.|{/td}
{tr align=right}
||.ifnot:PrQuant.||  {td}{b}Product out of stock{/b}{/td}||.ENDIF.||
||.if:PrQuant.||  {td}{input type='text' name='|.PRID.|:Quant'} {input type='submit' value='Put in Cart'}{/td}
{tr}{td colspan='2'}|\.PrLDesc.|{/td}
|Parent Start|
{tr valign='top'}
  {td rowspan='2' align='center'}|.PRGRAPHIC.|{/td}
  {td}{b}|.PrName.|{/b} \{br /}|.PrSDesc.|{/td}{/tr}
{tr align=right}

||.ifnot:PrQuant.||    {tr}{td}|.PrName.| is out of stock{br}|.PrSDesc.|{/td}{/tr}||.ENDIF.||
||.ifnot:PrQuant.||    {tr}
{form method='post' action='./|.CShopCartProg.|'}
{input type='hidden' name='client' value='YourDatabaseName'}
{input type='hidden' name='Action' value='Add'} {input type='hidden' name='PRID' value='|.PRID.|'
      {td}Order {input type='text' name='|.PRID.|:Quant'} of |.PrName.|{/b}
          {input type='submit' value='Put in Cart'}{br}|.PrSDesc.|{/td}
|Parent End|
{tr}{td colspan='2'}|\.PrLDesc.|{/td}


  • Stand alone template is identical to case without child products. 
  • Parent Start does not contain form elements since each child will have its own buy button (if there is inventory available)
  • Child products have form elements only if they can be bought (i.e., there are items in stock).
  • The tag (e.g., {tr} in this case) in the Stand Alone section must be matched by the beginning of the Parent Start Section. 
  • Child products w/o inventory must match the format (in this case be complete table data elements) as those child products with inventory.
  • Parent End section must close whatever Parent Start opened (in this case the Table tag.
Product Gragphic Thumbnail
with link to larger image
Web Site Designs
various levels of web sites
Quick Web Site is out of stock
of Delux Web Sites
Upgraded semi-custom web sites.
of Custom Web Sites
Jut what you need to stand out from the crowd..
We do a full range of web site. Please check out our catalog.

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Catalog as above but using separate product display pages.


Click {a href='|.CProdDispProg.|&client=YourDatabaseName&PRID=|.PRID.|here{/a} for details and to order{/td}

{tr valign='top'}
{form method='post' action='./|.CShopCartProg.|'}
{input type='hidden' name='client' value='YourDatabaseName'}
{input type='hidden' name='Action' value='Add'}  {td rowspan='2'}
{input type='hidden' name='PRID' value='|.PRID.|'
  {td rowspan='2' align='center'}|.PRGRAPHIC.|{/td}
  {td}{b}|.PrName.|{/b} |.PrNumber.|{br /}|.PrSDesc.|{/td}
{tr align=right}
||.ifnot:PrQuant.||  {td}{b}Product out of stock{/b}{/td}||.ENDIF.||
||.if:PrQuant.||  {td}{input type='text' name='|.PRID.|:Quant'} {input type='submit' value='Put in Cart'}{/td}
{tr}{td colspan='2'}|\.PrLDesc.|{/td}
|Parent Start|
{tr valign='top'}
  {td rowspan='2' align='center'}|.PRGRAPHIC.|{/td}
  {td}{b}|.PrName.|{/b} \{br /}|.PrSDesc.|{/td}{/tr}
{tr align=right}

||.ifnot:PrQuant.||    {tr}{td}|.PrName.| is out of stock{br}|.PrSDesc.|{/td}{/tr}||.ENDIF.||
||.ifnot:PrQuant.||    {tr}
{form method='post' action='./|.CShopCartProg.|'}
{input type='hidden' name='client' value='YourDatabaseName'}
{input type='hidden' name='Action' value='Add'} {input type='hidden' name='PRID' value='|.PRID.|'
      {td}Order {input type='text' name='|.PRID.|:Quant'} of |.PrName.|{/b}
          {input type='submit' value='Put in Cart'}{br}|.PrSDesc.|{/td}
|Parent End|
{tr}{td colspan='2'}|\.PrLDesc.|{/td}


  • On the catalog page, stand alone and parent products will be listed three accross with links to the dedicated product display page via a hyper link
  • The dummy {form}{/form} at the top is needed to suppress putting out a form around the entire product list.
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